We’re excited to participate in the inaugural @regardingherfood festival Jan 21 - 30, 2021! We’re joining other female-founded restaurants in the city to connect, collaborate and uplift. This new non-profit foundation was founded to advance women in the restaurant industry by providing small business grants, mentorship and resources!
We are thrilled to be able to participate in such an amazing event and get a chance to showcase our co-owner Angie Kim, you can view her spotlight HERE.
We have created a special dish to be featured in the RE:Her inaugural festival:
Soowan Wang Galbi Chicken Wings
This recipe was inspired by a fun Korean movie I watched, called "Extreme Job."
They accidentally made a best selling chicken wing recipe while going undercover as a chicken shop.
It ended up being a popular item in Korea for a while and inspired us to test it out with our own Galbi marinade. - Angie Kim

Donate HERE and score some killer merch to help support an amazing cause!
#chickenwinglove #chickenwings #femalebusinessowners #ubereats #offthemenu #limitededition #lovechicken #reher #chickenwing #soowanwanggalbichickenwings
#chickenwings #gabli #interstellar #interstellarla #santamonica #santamonicafood #beachfood #fire #policingequity #donate #nonprofit #regardingherfoodfestival #womenowned #womenownedrestaurant #bossbabe